
Art Direction

Set Design

is a brand of Eucalipto Studio and is on a mission to create a social movement in Oaxaca, Mexico, by introducing an eco-friendly solution to the single-use takeaway cups found in cafes and restaurants.

The cups are handmade and hand painted by the Mogote Ceramica workshop in San Martin Tilcajete, Oaxaca, México.

Being a handmade product, I decided to handcraft the design of the set to take the photographs.

First I made a sketch on how to communicate the CERAMICUPS catalog through the only means of communication that the brand uses, Instagram.

The brand has 9 different colors and I wanted to base the photographs on a 3-row grid.

The first row using the blue colors, then the greens and finally the earthy colors.

Product Photography of CERAMICUPS. CERAMICUPS is a brand of  Eucalipto Studio and is on a mission to create a social movement in Oaxaca, Mexico, by introducing an eco-friendly solution to the single-use takeaway cups found in cafes and restaurants.
Creative process for the development of the set design for taking product photographs


In the development of this project I was working from the idea for the photos and creative part to communicate what the brand was looking for.

The main objective was to portray the 9 colors of the ceramic mugs for their catalog.

The mugs are sold in coffee shops and I wanted to use wooden bases as exhibitors for the customer to feel identified.

First I designed a digital sketch, then I transferred it to cardboard and finally to wood. I painted and sanded all the pieces and at the end I added the color digitally in Photoshop.

Digital Sketches

Digital paint in Adobe Photoshop